Of course, nowadays, found footage has been milked so hard we as the audience members are literally coughing up dust after every cheap jump scare. There hadn’t been anything like it before or since. I realized how incredible and revolutionary it was. But, now I ran with a much more deeper passion and appreciation for the movie. I still fully believed what the media told me about it.

After watching it for the second time I finally saw what the world saw back in 1999.
#The blair witch project 2016 witch movie#
Mainly because I remembered watching it at first and thinking some stuff was cool and now that I was older and understood more stuff about the world I wanted to see if the movie really did suck. So, anyway, a couple years later, after vocally declaring TBWP sucked ass, I decided to give it another try. Just because I didn’t like the movie didn’t mean I didn’t believe what I saw. Don’t get me wrong, I totally bought into it. look at how old it looks!” All things I’d eventually come to appreciate and admire. I saw the box and it just screamed “interesting and scary.” So we watched it and I was literally like “this is horrible. I was a nine year old kid who went to Blockbuster with his mom and picked out a new movie. I’ll be the first to admit when I first saw the movie I was pissed. A collection of seemingly unedited clips strung together and shown to the world to spread, as far as we were concerned, awareness of the gruesome murder of three school students. It was new, fresh. No one expected to get what we got. Back in 1999 there was nothing like TBWP. Why? How can an entire nation be that stupid for that long? Well the answer is simple really. There are no credits to the movie until the end, which, realistically, should have been when everyone said “oh, good, it’s not real,” but we all bought it. We were all being put on so much that we didn’t even stop to think: maybe this is all part of the plan? Either way, TBWP was a landmark in film history and I’m going to tell you why. If people didn’t believe it by then, fucking hook, line, and sinker now, baby.
#The blair witch project 2016 witch tv#
It even went so far as to film a separate made for TV documentary that literally aired on TV about the backstory of the Blair Witch, Elly Kedward and how the whole thing started. The website to the movie, back before IMDb took over, was literally just a missing person’s ad and information on the three kids and who to call if you noticed anything suspicious and their last known locations. Back then, when you saw that, you knew it was serious. Their faces started showing up on milk cartons. The marketing campaign for this movie is the stuff of legend, okay? Nowadays you will never see a filmmaker go as far as Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick went to convince you that you just witnessed the murder of three innocent teenagers. Heather went on to write a book and, I guess, quit acting. Then Michael and Josh started showing up in movies again. Well, they were “never seen again” for about 7 years. Yes they were purposely “never seen again” to keep up the illusion of the movie. Yes their real names are Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael Williams. I even met them at the horror convention Days of the Dead in Chicago. In fact I’ve seen two of the three kids in other movies since TBWP. The three missing teenagers aren’t really missing. Either the filmmakers did their job by keeping up the charade or the forest known as the Black Woods in Burkittsville Maryland are really haunted… Even years later, for those who suspected it was fake and that the three kids were just actors, never saw them in any other movies after that. There was even a documentary special aired on TV about the legend of the Blair Witch and how it all started. There was a website dedicated to finding the missing teens and their pictures were printed on milk cartons. If you remember when TBWP came out, then you remember the constant talk of if it’s real or not. July 30th 1999 moviegoers were left in shock after they saw what, to them, seemed to be stock footage of 3 teenagers lost in the woods and then seemingly murdered.